‘Education is a right for every child and a critical opportunity. For children and adolescents worldwide, it holds the key to a life with less poverty, better health and an increased ability to take the future into their own hands. For children on the move who come to the UK, education is one of the first and most critical services they need access to’.

TLP is funded by the Henry Smith Charity via the Community Match Challenge Grant.

TLP Provides English (ESOL) lessons classes via Zoom to unaccompanied refugees and Asylum Seekers aged 16-21. It provides high quality teaching delivered daily by qualified Tutors to its learners with clear aims and progression routes.

‘Relevant education’, accredited courses and qualifications that meet the varied needs of learners. Courses Include: ESOL (up to level 2), Functional Skills English and Maths (up to level 2), Citizenship.

The young people who attend this will also be able to access our BHUMP Project for emotional support and its online self-paced courses.

Currently, all lessons/classes are via zoom due to the COVID Pandemic. However when the situation changes and it is safe to do so, we will combine both traditional place-based classroom teaching/learning with the opportunity for interaction online (blended learning) to ensure we can still access the most vulnerable.

Looking for a volunteering opportunity?

If you would like to get involved with TLP,  there are online volunteering opportunities for tutors in ESOL, and Maths. By volunteering as a Tutor, you will be making a real difference in the lives of vulnerable young unaccompanied refugees and asylum seekers. Training and expenses will be provided. If you would like to become a TLP Volunteer, (click link here- link to volunteer roles) for further information about our volunteer roles.

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 if you would like to find out more.


 to apply for the role